Game set to Public

Game Launched? 

I hesitate to call this a launch, as I know I have updates planned. More of an open Beta type of thing?


I am about to go on vacation (yes, lucky me :) and will probably be pretty busy catching up and with some other stuff when I return. 

So honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I really didn't get back into development for a good month or two.  I'll probably jump in and out a bit but I'm just not sure when I will get that clear head to dive into the next bulk of the work.

With that said, I thought instead of simply letting this lay dormant for whatever time period I won't be active, why not make it public for some feedback?

So I'll appreciate any feedback given and can compile it all into next steps when I return! Though I will probably check in now and then to read comments - I just can't stay away!

Next Update: v0.0.0.2

I am planning on getting v0.0.0.2 up on itch ASAP, hopefully before I leave. It is just a few quick updates from the beta testing done on my mailing list.

The main feedback I received:

  • Too difficult
  • Default keyboard controls don't make sense

Regarding the controls:

  • I will update the default keyboard controls
  • Controls are customize-able
  • I'm unsure how to accommodate for WASD and Arrow key users with default controls, as in, what to set the remaining keys to by default
  • Controller/Gamepad is also supported

Regarding the difficulty, I will try a simple solution of slowing Chatty Cathy down. I'm sure some more tweaking will occur with difficulty, but I want to do this first and check on more feedback.

As I mentioned that I want to get this update out ASAP, but my time is running out before my vacation start and have been getting busier preparing for that, so I thought I would make this public first. That also might give a few people a chance to try out the more difficult version. I'm sure there are a few stealth enthusiast gamers that can crack it no problem!


Any feedback is much appreciated!

To make a long story short, I am building these short games to shape my vision of making a full game.

So features and mechanics in this game could be intended to use in larger games. For example, the dialogue system. Right now I'm wondering if the text is taking up too much space on the layout, but players might give me different kinds of feedback on it. I can use this game to try out different things to improve it or to see if it works well or not. And even simpler mechanics like movement, menus, interactions - all things kind of taken for granted but still need to function properly to create a good game!

So yeah, any feedback is appreciated!

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