Big Update!

Big Update

What's the big update you say?

Well let's just say the latest two updates were marked &

So if you are not a developer, that means I'm basically ready to launch!

Before I marked it launched, I just wanted to see if a few people play to see if anyone comments/reports any major issues. I still have a to-do list of some times to do, but most of them are more polish (like UI elements) and quality of life updates.  Actually the major thing to do is to implement everything translated into the other languages - right now it is only dialogue text - but so far it seems like no one has played in other languages anyway.


  • High Score Table implemented and working! Fight for the high score!
  • Ending to level 2 and 3 updated, so now all three difficulty endings are different
  • A lot of bugs fixed and other polish/quality of life added

Hope you enjoy!


Survive The Day - lvl1 - 4.3 MB
33 days ago

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