Fix: Showing all High Scores

Quick Fix Update

High Scores

This is a minor update, mainly because there was an issue with the query to get high scores. A quick workaround has been implemented and it should show all of them now.  Sorry to the people that got a high score and didn't see it there! (it wasn't the top high scores, FYI)

We have a new leader on the high scores for difficulty 2!

Sprite Font Dust

A new sprite font has been added to the font options! 

It was an impulse purchase, but I like how small and clean looking it is! At least in my opinion, the breaks in the Polish characters here might not be preferred by some, but that is why I have several options!

Purchased from Somepx here:

Wrap up

I believe that is it for this one - I know I cleaned up a bit of code here and there but don't believe anything else for players.

I have a list of updates to make next, but as always, feel free to leave any comments or feedback!


Survive The Day - lvl1 - 4.3 MB
31 days ago

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