Survive The Day Re-Make

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to make a quick post on itch to share with anyone who finds this game here that I am planning on re-making this game!

First though I'm working on re-making Survive The Day Level 1 (Dave's coffee). That one isn't public on itch at the time of me posting this. That is also why I wanted to post this here, as I'm sure I will be posting more screenshots,gifs, and videos on social media, and since the art is so similar, was kind of worried that I'd be doing all that promotion for people to think my old game is my new game! (oh well, in reality, that wouldn't be that bad)

What do I mean by "re-making" this game?

From the player's point of view, basically just that it is getting updated. 

From my end though, what I've done is basically start from scratch in my game engine. This game is like almost 8 years old or something? My development skills have improved over the years, I have updated the art assets to be from a different viewpoint, and even my game engine has had changes.

But remaking it from scratch isn't really important in itself, it is what the goal of remakes:

Why am I "re-making" the Survive The Day Games?

There are two major goals:

  1. Make more of these games and more efficiently: These are two of my favorite games that I have made but they took a long time in between. My goal with setting up this new game project file is that every feature that I'm adding will be a building block for the current game and any future game (in this series). So I want to go back and set everything up in a scalable and reusable way to make the next game easier to make. There are so many pieces of functionality that don't need major changes between levels/games - movement, collisions, animations, z-index, pause/settings menus, dialogue, basic interactions - I could go on, but generally, everything I'm building now I'm thinking of the future, such as how can this be used differently or turned off if not needed in a level.
  2. I want these to be my showcase games: I am proud of the first version of both of these games. Survive The Day Level 2 has done pretty well here on itch (as in, number of plays and positive comments). But looking back at the games now after growing as a developer, I see a lot of things I'd want to improve. If I have someone look at my "portfolio" of games, I'd want to direct them to these games, but I know they could be better. Now that I have decided to focus on working on "Survive The Day" as opposed to other game ideas, I want to make improvements so they can be the highlights I point people to.

So right now I'm working on re-making level 1. Then I will work on re-making level 2 and do an update to Dave-Man and release it here on itch. Then I want to start working on my next commercial game, and sometime in the development of that create level 3 to put here on itch as well.

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